During my vacation it reviewed my bookshelf to cleanup and find new space for new books. But what to do with the „old“ books? What a waste to put these books into the trashcan. Seeling it at eBay? I don’t know, this takes a lot of time and will not really return much money. Exchange it with other people using a web portal like hitflip.de? Definetly not: why should somebody earn money, when i exchange and share books with other people. Something like hitflip, but as open community …. bookcrossing.com. That sounds interesting and quit easy: sort you books out, register those books at www.bookcrossing.com to get an book id, print a label for each book with the book id on it and release the books into the wilderness, which means deposit it at a highly frequented place like a cafe, bar or restaurant. Someone will find your book and if its interesting for this person it will take this book at home or will travel with this book, read it and release it again at another place in the world. Because each bookcrossing user will track its activities at bookcrossing.com you can easly watch your book while traveling around the world.
But bookcrossing is not a one way services. You can also hunt/search for interesting books at your location, city or nighborhood and get them for reading without paying anything. The only thing you have to do: log/track all your activities with those books at www.bookcrossing.com, so that everybody can see the actual status and location of each book at the web portal.
A really nice non comercial way to exchange books with other people. So I selected my first three books, registered this books and now I need to release it to the wilderness.
I will keep you up-to-date on this…
My registered books:
- „Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod Folge 2“ http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/5643766
- „Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod Folge 3“ http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/5643764
- „Das Buch der Menschlichkeit“ http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/5643771
German bookcrossing site see here: http://www.bookcrossing.de/
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